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Thursday, 15 December 2011

Q3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

On Monday 12th December 2011 at 12.45 in the media block we held a focus group feedback session where we collected feedback on our music video, album cover and website using a simple questionnaire (see below). The session itself was quite intimate as you will see in the video below, as we wanted to make sure that we were selective in who we chose to bring for feedback, to ensure that we got people from different groups that had different interests, making the feedback more diverse and to give a broad viewpoint.

Below is the questionnaire that we handed out and a short video where I explain the choice of questions used in it.

Group 4 Audience Feedback Questionnaire

In total there were 9 people, it was a near even split of boys and girls, and as it was in school hours they were in the 17-18 age range. However, we did make sure that they were all in different social groups to still maintain the idea of getting a spectrum of viewpoints, which later proved successful and helpful from the completed questionnaires.

Some of the completed questionnaires

After the main session we asked two individuals from the group to stay behind and give some more in detail responses to the video and the ancillary texts, which can be seen in the video below.

Once the questionnaires were collected, we got together as a group and discussed what we could learn from the lunchtime focus group. Below is a video of the meeting/discussion.

Key Points that I have learnt from the audience feedback
  • The video succeeded in portraying that feel good factor and making people smile/happy
  • Both the website and album looked very professional and were aesthetically pleasing, with most people agreeing that they could imagine them being released in the music industry
  • Quite a few people agreed that the website should have the option for volume control on the music player, as well as having some more tracks to play rather than just repeating the same audio
  • There could have been a stronger link between the music video and the ancillary tasks, through maybe a cameo appearance of ABSYNTH
    • While it was a point raised by people, from the detailed interview session we learnt that the fact that ABSYNTH does not star in her videos, creates a sense of enigma and urges the audience to go and search for her on the internet to find out more about her. This meant that viewing the website almost felt like a reward, which is what we aimed to create. 
  • The video appeals to a younger audience than we anticipated, i.e. young children
    • From the proposal stages we decided that we would be targeting males and females around the age of 16-24, mainly those who are at university and regularly like to go out clubbing with their mates.
    • However, we did have the family audience and children as our secondary audience which we set out to target them through ABSYNTH's quirky and unique videos. Therefore, in many ways we could view the video as being successful in achieving this purpose.
  • The improvement that most agreed on was the fact that it was hard to read the album name on the front cover due to the colour of the text