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Saturday, 8 October 2011

UPDATE! Group meetings and discussions

Up until this week our ideas have changed quite a lot as we have gone back and forth between two ideas and now we have settled and decided on a completely new idea. The first idea we were discussing was for 'Fast Fuse' by the band Kasabian (2007) and the second was for Craig David's cover of the Stevie Wonder classic 'Signed, Sealed, Delivered (I'm Yours)' (2010).

Fast Fuse by Kasabian
The initial ideas for this track involved having a band perform the track, with the video being a dual narrative. The performance would take place in a studio, with black and white being the only colours of that scene. The narrative section caused some problems in terms of making it interesting but simple, some of the ideas that were suggested included: a girl and boy bumping into each other, a destructive guy (the lead singer) smashing up the city and a guy sitting in a bare cell (almost like a solitary prison cell) going insane.

After a meeting with Miss Blackborow, the biggest issue with the idea was that it was too generic and sidelined us into producing a copy cat version of an indie band like Kasabian. To get around this we came up with the idea of having a female drummer in order to widen the appeal to girls. However, the narrative idea for  the video was still proving difficult to make entertaining.

Signed, Sealed, Delivered by Craig David
The concept behind this idea was modernising motown (previously posted on my blog) and consisted of the visuals being very bright and colourful, with the artist performing for most of the video. The narrative ideas we came up with for this one all gravitated around the idea of the artist pursuing a love interest. Most of the video would be in a studio where the artist would be giving a performance by himself.

After the meeting, there were quite a few issues with this idea because it would mean that we had to heavily rely on someone outside of the group and casting would be difficult. The video would also be very demanding, as the performer would have to be able to dance well, lip sync well and look the part.

Where we are at now
In many ways the new proposal is completely different to the ones described above, but in some ways it is almost a combination of them as well as it involves the idea of an outdoor environment and involves the retro theme through the props needed.

The idea involves a dance off between a Panda and another animal (still to be decided) which would then turn into a Flash Mob with members of the public joining in and then the Panda would return to the zoo. It would take place in an open space in a park and potential tracks so far have been songs such as Run DMC's 'It's Like That' and Salt N Pepa's 'Push It'. The brand image would be for a duo (most likely Sam and Alex) that are very 'nerdy' and computer geniuses, but they are never seen in their own videos, unless in costume.